Wānanga tuatoru

Toi Māori and Hauora

Join us for an engaging panel discussion on Toi Māori and Hauora, exploring the intersection of Māori arts and well-being. Our esteemed panelists will delve into how traditional and contemporary Māori artistic expressions contribute to holistic health, cultural identity, and community resilience. This conversation will highlight the powerful role of Toi Māori in promoting mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, offering insights and inspiration for all. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of the vibrant connection between art and health in Māori culture.  


  • Kaaterina (Rina) Kerekere, KE Design
  • Tai Kerekere, KE Design
  • Nick Tupara, Tupara Studio
  • Te Aomihia Walker, Tangaroa Ararau (Facilitator)

Registrations for this wānanga have now closed